Pipeline Releases


  • A working installation of Miniconda or Anaconda is required.
  • Python 2.x.x is not supported (unless noted otherwise).
  • 32-bit operating systems are not supported.

Pipeline releases differ from the standard software stack and serve a different purpose. The release files described below are immutable snapshots of STScI operational software, and can be used to replicate the environment used by STScI to perform mission-specific data processing. Be aware that upgrading packages with conda update [pkg] or conda update --all is not recommended as it will likely introduce unwanted bugs and/or break the environment all together.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to pipeline releases please feel free to contact help@stsci.edu


Pipeline release installations use the following conda create command format:

conda create -n [custom_env_name] --file [URL]
source activate [custom_env_name]


conda create -n demo_2016.1 \
    --file http://ssb.stsci.edu/conda/hstdp-2016.1/hstdp-2016.1-linux-py35.2.txt
source activate demo_2016.1

The URL used here will not be updated to reflect the latest iteration available. Please consult the File URLs section to ensure you are installing the correct release.

File URLs

Select the URL that matches your intended platform and environment.

Release Schema

If you wish to write shell scripts to manage your local pipeline installations, this may be of interest to you:


#               hstdp 2016  1
#               ^     ^     ^

#                              linux     py35            2
#                              ^         ^               ^